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ImaginAction Nothing is as it seems: the Power of Imagination

Curated by Stefania Carrozzini

Cranachstraße, 46 12157, Berlin, tel 030/8554291

February 19 – March 3, 2013
Vernissage: February 19, 2013 – 19:00 – 22:00

Annamaria Angelini Chiarvetto/Ellen Brous/Alessandro Carnevale Pino Chimenti/Amy Cohen Banker/Adriana Collovati/Franca Faccin Susi Lamarca/Don Lisy/Tina Parotti/Gernot Schmerlaib/Susi Zucchi.

Nothing Is As It Seems: the Power of Imagination.
What is life without imagination? A reality without poetry, sleep without dreams, death. So art, which is inseparable from life, what would it be without imagination? Nothing.
Imagination gives value to life, nurtures art and creates civilizations, because it is creative power. Valuable partner in our understanding of reality, imagination does not belong to fantasy, but is necessary for practical purposes and imagery that tends to action. The power of imagination has no boundaries and in this area all are kings!
Giving up on imagination leads us to a life of brutality, senselessness. Imagination is a superior faculty of the mind and redeems human beings from mediocre existence and conformity and away from their true nature.
A creator is able to live a new reality of ever-changing and never predictable paths.
To imagine is to conjecture, to invent from concrete data. Our world is nothing more than an imagining of the reality in which we are surrounded; perhaps even optical vision is imagination.
Absence of the object is a peculiar trait of imagination. In this emptiness I build a world and I imagine what is out of reach, out of my hands. Imagination has power over this absence, over this void.
The artist is the interpreter of this voyage. This absence makes sense, gives meaning and returns a tangible sign, gives readability through its work, translating anonymous territory into a familiar place.
To imagine is imperative to desire, to love reality, sometimes without expecting anything in return.

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