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8 Febbraio 2005


407 West 13th street loft 2a
tel. 1 646-336-8387

curated by Stefania Carrozzini

The concept of secrecy has to do with the private sphere, a dimension of our life which is becoming increasingly threatened. Art, on the other hand, has the task of revealing, of bringing to light thoughts, feelings and secrets which are harboured in the mind and the heart of human beings. The languages with which our innermost thoughts are expressed are various: having the key to this alphabet can open the secret door of understanding of all meanings.

Artists have always been the keepers of many secrets especially relative to the knowledge of means, techniques which have not always been passed on through the ages and today, too, every artist like every professional has a secret relative to their way of working. Yet a secret does not concern only the world of work. In the deepest dimension of the human being there is a place where we may all take refuge, there where no camera may ever pry on us. In such a secret room, we can nurture thoughts and feelings which belong to us alone. This treasure identifies our SELF, our history. It is no coincidence that all esoteric and alchemic knowledge belongs to the dimension of the unspoken and of that which is not revealed. When this comes to light it means that we are ready to welcome it. However, in our era , we are under constant pressure to reveal everything to everyone, what is more, in the media it is fashionable to increase the ratings by revealing secret stories, facts and circumstances which sometimes lend themselves to vulgarity. The secret we are measuring ourselves with here, on the other hand, is very different. The meaning of a work of art, the fascination of communication nearly always has to do with the concept of secrecy and revelation. The meaning is a code to be deciphered. An artist is great when he or she manages to open up the heart and the mind of man thus bringing to light, revealing something which had never been done or thought of before. It is the sharing of their secrets with the rest of humanity which also modifies our way of thinking and feeling.

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