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The places of inspiration

I luoghi dell’ ispirazione

event postcard

Have you ever asked yourself what inspiration is? Where does it come from? In what circumstances and places does it occur? Is it certain that inspiration does not like to be expected, yet comes upon you all of a sudden like an entity which arrives even when it is inopportune, perhaps when you are doing your shopping at the supermarket? One becomes possessed, one does not stand a chance. Behold, it is urgent to jot down a thought, a fragment of musical notes, a drawing on a white sheet. The new idea sweeps away ancient memories like a cell regenerating itself. When I immerse myself in creative work it is as if I hear a sure, strong and true voice which guides me like a direct signal which comes from the Creative Source, a source in which to confide that I can neither see nor touch. When I feel inspired an immense and highly immaginative world opens up to me, ego stands aside and one becomes the instrument of an unlimited creative force.

The interior world together with its original essence, does not move in one direction, but covers all possible creative expressions. Imagine being inspired every day and every hour. What would your life be like? Without doubt we would follow our innermost will. We would be independent from the opinions of others, we would not accept compromises and the river of life would flow without meeting any resistance and everything would be easier, more genuine. We would be reconnected to our spiritual origins. Inspiration is a divine creative force in which thought goes beyond its normal limits, awareness expands in every direction, becomes breath of revelation.

It is the dimension in which talent, creativity and genius awaken. In the middle of our chaotic lives, just when one is least expecting it, behold a new idea, a new state of being is revealed. Beware, however, creative work is not merely contemplation of the idea which comes to us like a bolt out of the blue. It is laborious dedication, effort. Such a material dimension is certainly easier to describe and to place, it has its spaces and its precise timings, whilst inspiration occurs when one�s thoughts are elsewhere, not always polarised on what is real and it feeds on moments in which we have the courage to leave the door of perception open to the unexpected, to the sublime. Inspiration is not a mysterious force which lives outside us, it is in us, it is exercised through abandon, letting oneself go to the void, to nothing, to chaos: from a mind which has no limits all the possible worlds open out, it is from this making of space that the light of ideas is diffused and lights up minds and bodies like a smile.

Stefania Carrozzini

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