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Nothing Is Big Or Small For The Universe

September 7 – September 20, 2013

Curated by Stefania Carrozzini

Piazza G. Matteotti 4, 06012,
Opening hours:
Monday to Sunday
/10.00 – 1.00 pm /3.00 – 6:00 pm

Opening reception: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 6.00 pm

Barbara Bachner, Rosaspina Buscarino Canosburi, Stefania Capobianco, Pino Chimenti, Amy Cohen Banker, Nathalie Detsch Southworth, Tamar Hirschl, Susi Lamarca, Don Lisy, Chiara Maresca, Mona Moein Ansari, Tina Parotti, Giampiero Reverberi, Beatrice Sancassani, Aleks Whyte, Susi Zucchi.

This exhibition is about imagery relating to infinity, both the micro and macrocosms, and the metaphors and symbols that artists, with vision beyond the usual responses on the subject, have created. Among the most disconcerting of all intellectual ideas is that of the universe. It implies the concept of infinity as well as our own limits, our finitude. “Nothing is small or big for the universe” – what does that mean? According to universal laws the spark of creation, the supreme will that determines and materializes essences, does not pose questions of hierarchy or value since all existence moves in one direction. To live under the same sky means to be embedded in the same fate, where we are responsible for our own part. Atom and cell are created on the same principles as universal harmony. The key word is “Attraction”. Why do atomic particles attract each other? What are the mysterious forces in the small and the great that keep them all together? In Nature nothing happens that is not in relation to the whole. Correspondence of micro and macro is a cornerstone of science, which notes and analyzes phenomena rather than postulating questions. The vast emptiness of the sky, the void, the springing up of atomized forms, give rise to extraordinary wonder in artists, whose creative energy manifests endless strength and individual being. Artists convey ideas beyond style and epoch. The universe remains the touchtone of their imagination. Through primordial substances and cosmic bodies, the universe expands infinitely. A new humanism going beyond the “technologism” or worship of the machine unites science and art in a harmony of all created things, the large and the small, in a dialogue between heaven and earth. Pythagoras first defined the word “cosmos” as a system governed by the music of the spheres, or rather stars, where planets have positions on a musical staff. The ”concept” of a contemporary sublime in art cannot be separated from contemplation of the universe and goes beyond the idea-bound premises of “conceptual” art. The work of Yves Klein rightfully belongs to the sublime. Klein, with the formidable force of imagination, invites us to inhabit the same cosmic space as life itself”. (Stefania Carrozzini).

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